BSCI is a Business Social Compliance Initiative developed by the Foreign Trade Association (FTA) based on the recognition of the role of international trade as one of the key factors in ensuring human welfare and socio-economic growth. The proposed Code of Conduct (BSCI Code of Conduct) encompasses a full range of principles and values that reflect the beliefs of BSCI members and their expectations for their business partners.

BSCI and their expectations for their business partners.

The BSCI Code of Conduct is based on a number of international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines, the UN Global Compact and the International Labor Organization Conventions and Recommendations ( ILO) in their part related to improving working conditions in the supply chain.

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Our strategy

Our company offers customized services for the implementation and development of management systems in your organization. We are focused on a flexible approach to each client and achieving 100% result.



Primary diagnostics of your organization. Preparation of a detailed plan for the implementation of the MS implementation project.



Development of the necessary documents, procedures, rules, instructions. Implementation of the requirements of the standards at a practical level in your organization.


Result evaluation

Monitoring and conducting internal audits in the organization. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed MS.

Our additional services

Accompanying certification

We offer consulting services to facilitate certification and surveillance audits with accredited certification bodies.


We offer corporate group training services for your organization's personnel

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